Monday, 25 October 2010

Audio Mixing - Ian

I used Pro-Tools (My DAW of choice for mixing!) to mix the recorded audio of the sea, seagulls and Paul's Voice Over and the audio for the "Video" part of the project is now complete, after a bit of feedback from Paul I lowered the sea and seagulls in the mix.  I had also included excerpts from the "Theme from Jaws", but we decided against using this for this part.

Hopefully it can be included somewhere, because I think it's a brilliant tune!!  Perhaps we could use it on the quiz for a wrong answer???  The question then becomes what to use for a correct answer?

I am not sure what sounds are needed for the game section yet.  We have a meeting tomorrow, and I will ask the team for their views.

I have included links to some previews of some of the audio for your listening pleasure!! 

Bollan Bone

Cowrie Shells

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ian,

    Have listened to your audio examples.

    I like the idea of having the soundscape underscore the voiceover. However some suggestions:

    1) The audio should fade in for a second or so before the voice comes in so that the soundscape is established. At the moment it just sounds like a noisy recording for the first moment or two.

    2) You need to record the vocals again. Where did you record them? I would recommend Recording Studio 1 or 2, or the Overdub Studio as you want a very dry acoustic for the voiceovers. Also, there is some popping on the mic. You should record again using a good quality condenser mic along with a pop shield. Any residual pops you may still get with that method can be removed by using a high pass filter. Also, check the pronunciation for some of the words before recording.

    3) Perhaps the best thing to do would be to have the soundscape and the voiceovers as separate files. That way you can have the soundscape underscoring the installation and the voiceovers coming in where necessary. It also means it will be easy to adjust your mix in the space as things will sound different over the speakers and in the Rotunda and in that different acoustic space.
