After taking feedback from the people from the Rotunda some changes have been made. Me and Ian re-recorded the audio for my videos about the charms. Ian mixed them down and then sent me these audio files. I then replaced the old audio files with the new ones in iMovie and mixed these down to be put back in the patch. I also altered the intro video slightly. I have added an extra photo of Clarke and made more of the photos appear on postcards which is one bit that needed improvement. It was hard to get the charms looking right at the start of the video where they appear to be falling through water, I had to put them on a green screen in after effects, animate them so that they are falling and slowly spinning, mix them down then place them in iMovie with green screen removed. This was hard because iMovie can be very temperamental when dealing with effects like that. I also changed the way my videos are triggered in the Home patch. instead of the individually just being loaded into a jit.qt movie I have decided to have them in a list, the same as I did with the Game Patch. Before we had the problem that the background runner video would just fade in half way through the charm videos and there were many timing inssues, However now, I have simply used two lists with a cross fader between. The left list just consists of the background runner video, and the right list consists of all the 5 charm videos and the intro video which automatically plays as the home patch is loaded.

Now when a charm is touched, it sends the number of the video to the recieve in the right list which will load it, and then select the duration of that video to a delay which will go into the crossfader before the background runner appears again, This avoids any timing issues like before and stops the background video coming in too early or too late.
I also got Tom to change the charms so that they have a slight glow behind them, This is nice because it makes them stand out abit more and entices the user to touch them. I also changed the background of the Home page and instead of using toms photo of concrete, decided to just go for a blue background panel, which relates more with charms of the sea theme.
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